Conference Council & Committees

There are numerous committees, commissions, task forces and ministries which assist in carrying out the ministry of the Illinois Conference.

Conference Council/Executive Committee

The Illinois Conference Council acts as a Board of Directors and conducts the affairs of the Illinois Conference when it is not in session. The Council is comprised of the Officers of the Conference (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer), the five Association Moderators, two (2) representatives from each Association (with the exception of CMA who is allowed 4), one youth representative (age 14-22) from each association (2 from CMA), and the chairpersons of the Outdoor Ministry Committee, Personnel Committee, Mission Support Committee, Justice & Witness Committee, Nominating Committee, LEEAP, and FAB (Finance, Administration and Business).

The Executive Committee is comprised of all Officers, Association Moderators, and the chairs of Personnel, FAB, Nominating, and the Annual Celebration Planning Committee.

2023-2024 Officers
President – Rev. Jon Prain
Vice President – Juanita Bradley
Secretary – Rev. Nancy Fraley
Treasurer – Cristine Vesely


Standing Committees of the Illinois Conference

Annual Celebration Planning Committee (ACPC)

The ACPC arranges the Conference Annual Celebration program, selection of theme, workshops, worship, displays, childcare, youth components, etc.

Finance, Administration and Business (FAB)

The FAB committee supports administrative operations, develops the Conference budget, functions as a subcommittee working on behalf of the Executive Committee, and assists with business activities.

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is tasked with nominating persons for election by the Conference at it’s Annual Meeting.

Personnel Committee

The Personnel Committee administers the process of calling and dismissal of executive staff, recommends personnel policies, job descriptions and more as outlined in the Conference Constitution/Bylaws.


Other Committees and Ministries of the Illinois Conference

Justice and Witness Committee

The Justice & Witness Committee advocates and coordinates the Conference-wide issues and concerns of justice and peace. Its purpose is to help the Conference witness in action and other forms of communication to the Christian mandate to promote peace and justice in our homes, state, nation, and world. As witnesses to God’s Resurrection power, the committee shall endeavor to inspire all to act in a spirit of love which takes away the justification for physical/verbal abuse, violence, and war.

Mission Statement: The Justice and Witness Committee of the Illinois Conference shall raise awareness around issues of social justice by empowering congregations to develop strategies to address social injustice and by resourcing congregations in their struggle for justice and peace.

Local Evangelism, Envisioning and Planning (LEEAP)

The purpose of the LEEAP committee is to strengthen local churches of the Illinois Conference. LEEAP oversees the start of new churches and partners with existing churches to revitalize them.

Mission Support Committee

The purpose of the Mission Support Committee is to coordinate support of IL Conference mission projects.

Outdoor Ministry Committee

The Illinois Conference is blessed to have two Outdoor Ministry sites: Pilgrim Park Camp and Tower Hill Camp. Both Tower Hill and Pilgrim Park are open throughout the year in order to serve the needs of individuals, families, and churches of the both the Illinois Conference and the areas surrounding each camp.

The purpose of the Outdoor Ministry Committee is to oversee the Conference outdoor ministry program, facilities, and personnel.

Property Committee (FAB Sub-Committee)

The Property Committee is a sub committee of FAB tasked with oversight of all Conference properties, except for the outdoor ministry facilities, and to make recommendations to the Conference Council.

Special Assistance Committee

The Special Assistance Committee considers and adjudicates requests for assistance from the Special Assistance Fund of the Illinois Conference.

Stewardship Committee

The Stewardship Committee offers assistance and resources to Local Congregations in the area of Stewardship Ministry:

  • Providing training and assistance regarding stewardship methods, materials, and strategies.
  • Informing, educating, and building awareness about mission and ministry made possible through Our Church’s Wider Mission.
  • Helping to strengthen covenantal relationships between the Local Church and the Illinois Conference.
  • Providing speaker, visiting/guest Stewards for Stewardship Campaigns, Mission Moments, etc.
  • Helping to interpret the Wider Mission of the Church and Strengthening Local Church relationships with Global Mission.

Angola Mission and Partnership

In the summer of 2004, the Illinois Conference of the United Church of Christ entered into a partnership with the Igreja Evangélica Congregacional em Angola (IECA — The Evangelical Congregational Church in Angola) with the encouragement and assistance of Global Ministries Team of the United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). While the Partnership Team began in 2004, the history of IECA and North American Congregationalists is a long one, stretching back to the end of the 19th century. The Illinois Conference/Angola Partnership Team is responsible to continue the work and joy of developing and deepening these existing relationships.

Members of the Angola Partnership Team know from first-hand experience that our partner denomination in Angola, IECA, is amazing. In the midst of difficult circumstances, they give hope and support to about 1.5 million members. They are very actively involved in bringing people to deep Christian faith and in their social mission, focusing on education, healthcare, and nutrition. We are grateful for our ongoing, active partnership.

Illinois Maya Ministries

The purpose of this ministry is to support the Conference Guatemalan refugee ministries, to support others doing similar work, to monitor the Conference Covenant with the Diocese of San Cristobal, and work with the UCC Common Global Ministries.

Illinois Maya Ministry (IMM) is a project of the Illinois Conference of the United Church of Christ. For over twenty years, IMM has joined with the Maya peoples of Guatemala and Chiapas, Mexico in a ministry of accompaniment, reconciliation, and transformation to strive toward a world vision of justice and dignity.

Tuthill Commission

The purpose of the Tuthill Commission is to recommend to the Conference Council the distribution of funds in the Tuthill Trust, which are to be “devoted to foreign missionary purposes under the provisions of the bylaws of the Conference.”