Disaster Relief


The United Church of Christ responds to disasters an average of once every 2.5 days. Initial support comes from the One Great Hour of Sharing offering and is followed by special gifts.

Mission Statement of the Illinois Conference Disaster Ministries

In the name of Jesus Christ, the Illinois Conference Disaster Response Ministry seeks to bring assistance and relief from suffering to all who experience loss in times of public disaster through the faithful use of material and spiritual resources of our local churches and the Conference Staff.  In addition, through a network of trained response coordinators, enable the churches of the Conference to respond to needs created by disasters in the most efficient and helpful manner.

The Disaster Ministries of the Illinois Conference, United Church of Christ includes:

Assisting churches, and their members to prepare for disasters in their local communities through:

  • disaster preparedness plans for local churches
  • disaster readiness materials for church families

Responding to disasters through:

  • coordination of mission trips in cooperation with churches and the United Church of Christ Disaster Ministries and Volunteer Ministries cooperation with other church organizations such as Church World Service and secular organizations such as the Illinois Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster
  • assistance to local communities with the long-term recovery process through participation on Long-Term Recovery Committees and Organizations

The United Church of Christ responds to disasters an average of once every 2.5 days.  Initial support comes from the One Great Hour of Sharing offering and by special gifts.

Conference Disaster Coordinator

Rev. Roger Dart


Compassion in Action

Your service as a Disaster Recovery Volunteer helps people rebuild their physical homes and is an act of presence that indicates the commitment to walk beside people as they seek to rebuild their lives. Together, we can be the body of Christ in the world. The wider UCC utilizes mission trip groups to help homeowners in the long-term recovery process.

Opportunities to serve and registration will be posted on this page as they are available.

Web link:  https://www.ucc.org/disaster_disaster-volunteers