The Stewardship Committee of the Illinois Conference offers assistance and resources to Local Congregations in the area of Stewardship Ministry:
- Providing training and assistance in using “Consecrating Stewards,” Stewardship Principles, every member canvass and other Stewardship methods and strategies;
- Informing, educating and building awareness about mission and ministry made possible through Our Church’s Wider Mission;
- Helping to strengthen covenantal relationships between the Local Church and the Illinois Conference;
- Providing speaker, visiting/guest Stewards for Stewardship Campaigns, Mission Moments, etc;
- Helping to interpret the Wider Mission of the Church and Strengthening Local Church relationships with Global Mission.
Helping make missionaries available to Local Congregations, Stewardship and Mission Committees.
The Stewardship Team provides one annual Conference-wide event for local congregational leaders in areas such as:
- Our Church’s Wider Mission: Reaching Out Here and Beyond
- The Stewardship Adventure
- The Stewardship of the Human Body
- Other events jointly sponsored with the Stewardship and Church
New Resources from the Stewardship Committee
The Illinois Conference UCC Stewardship Committee is offering four Stewardship programs as a resource to the local churches. These programs have been designed by two members of the Stewardship Committee, Larry McCure and Kay Quinney-Burnard, along with Pat McCure and Rev. Eric Quinney-Burnard. Themes and scripture along with suggested formats are offered in each program. Please feel free to contact Larry or Kay if you have any questions.
- Tree-Mendous Faith Stewardship Program
- Planting Seeds of Renewal Stewardship Program
- Giving Tree Stewardship Program
- Hospitality Stewardship Program
Other Areas of Service to the Local Church
Consulting Stewards are available to assist local churches and provide training to congregations:
- Spiritual gifts ministries
- Wills and deferred giving
- Tissue, fluid and organ donation
- Consecrating Stewardship Program
- Others
Other gatherings at conference and association level to network, share and growth in stewardship and mission development.
Stewardship Committee Co-Chairs:
Larry McCure and Kay Quinney-Burnard
Questions? Click here to email Larry and Kay.